Affordable Homes of Chicago (AHOC) 

 We are a community focused non-profit whose mission is to help families and individuals secure access to affordable housing or home repairs.

Affordable Homes of Chicago 
Housing Rescue Program

Help us keep families in their homes year round!

The AHOC Housing Rescue Program is designed to help Chicago Families and Individuals devastated by COVID-19 related evictions or who are struggling to remain in their homes. 

AHOC's Financial Counseling is designed to move families past their setback.  Our goal is to provide monetary assistance, affordable home repairs, homeowner workshops, and arm them with strategies to prevent foreclosure.

 Help Support our efforts to keep Chicago Families together and  safe in their homes. Spread the word:  #AHOCHousingRescueProgram

Ways to Support AHOC's Housing Rescue Program

Discover more about our extensive range of professional services. We constantly update this page, but if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to get in touch with us – we will be more than happy to help.


Change Many Lives

Want to make a lasting change! Become a Legacy Partner and join our Planned Giving program. For more information, complete our contact form below or donate NOW! 


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Our aim is to provide support and expect guidance for families experiencing a loss of income and potential foreclosure due to the global pandemic. To find housing for the displaced. Help families buy, sell or fix existing homes in need of repairs to safely live within their home. We are here to guide you through every step of the process.


Volunteer your time, your talents with AHOC Housing Rescue Program to improve access to affordable housing. 

Come partner with us if you are looking for a  place to share you skills, grow your experience and change lives. AHOC is the place for you!